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Short description

Gevora Construcciones is a construction oriented company with application in the construction of infrastructure, renewable energy projects, exploitation of large quarries, among others.

The company's great histrorical background has provided Gevora with great experience in execution of large-scale works and in development and implementation of Research and Development projects related to construction of terrestial infrastructures and more.

Gevora is collaborating with other companies, public and private RnD organizations in order to discover and develop new ideas, technologies and products.

Gevora is the adopter of the proposed technology and the experience that Gevora has in manufacturing, will be a great asset in the creation of pavement blocks based on geopolymers under VALOMINE proposal.

Role in the project

Gevora Construcciones will be responsible for the geopolymerization of the waste and at the same time for the creation of pavement blocks. Following the creation of the block, Gevora will apply them as pavement blocks in the local area of the company, completing the life-cycle of the product, as proposed in VALOMINE proposal.
