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Short description

MNLT Innovations P.C. was founded and established in 2018, in Athens, Greece. Ltd.

MNLT develops the optimum recipe for producing functional materials through valorization of industrial or municipal wastes, with outstanding mechanical and thermal properties and has already offered services for prototypes development for the Mytileneos Company (Greece - Bauxite Residue) and the Arconi Company (Slovenia - Steel Slag). MNLT is equipped with the all appropriate infrastructure for the prototypes development mixers, curing chamber and vibratining table.

MNLT already participates in a project for the valorization of Construction and Demolition waste and Industrial slags for the development of fire resistant materials (www.smartg.info) while the experience from several european projects to lead the specific project (www.mnlt.eu).

Role in the project

MNLT will be responsible for monitoring the progress of the project as a whole and pay close attention to the progress made in each task and the resources consumed. MNLT will review and assess the progress of the project by evaluating the reports and deliverables relevant to the period in question. Special focus will be given to the following:

  1. the degree of fulfilment of the work plan for the period and of the related deliverables;
  2. the management procedures and methods of the project;
  3. the expected potential impact in economic, competition and social terms, and the beneficiaries' plan for the use and dissemination and exploitation of foreground.

In the technical part MNLT will be responsible for the development of the prototype material and assist the demo-production and application.
